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NEW COURSE – CSL 36 Chinese Boxing Combination Drills Course

Hi Guys

Check a clip from my new course

This course is our 36 Chinese Boxing combinations – these are all the best long range attacks, counters and combinations for you to understand all the key situations you may face a long range before you can enter to close range. This is important if you spar or compete but also for self defence as in Wing Chun we want to get in close but one must know how to deal with long bridge range in order to do that.

So I have structured progress drills you can work and train them,  in order be clear on possible positions you need be aware of and need to be ready for.

This course will improve your sparring, it will improve your understanding of range and will give you a clear plan.

If you liked our Chinese Boxing Course then you will love these drills.



You can buy the course on my site at

24 September, 2020

2 responses on "NEW COURSE - CSL 36 Chinese Boxing Combination Drills Course"

  1. Sifu in future can you teach us some tips or live sparring with other styles? like muay thai
    Also Sifu im very short can you teach us how to spar using wingchun against taller muaythai opponent

    • All the applications in the 36 Chinese Boxing Course are for all sizes as its about distance, range and timing. So learn these and work on them. Then we can look at ways to deal with different opponents. That is a very good question. So I will start putting together a course on it. If you have a list of problems you face them let me know and I will make sure they are answered.

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