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Internal Wing Chun Exposed Series Part 6 Bridge Linking and Delinking plus Close Body Control

Hi Members In this video I explain bridge control and linking and delinking with more hidden details. Plus, close body control and many more details. …Read More

Profile PhotoAlan Orr18 August, 2024

Internal Wing Chun Exposed Series Part 5 More Woo Woo

Hi Members In this video in the series I cover Bridge control and the tricks some use, also the hidden skills that can really be …Read More

Profile PhotoAlan Orr18 August, 2024

Internal Wing Chun Exposed Series Part 4 Woo Woo skills the Truth!

Hi Members In this video in series I expose what is the skill behind internal training and breaks down ‘Woo Woo’ skills and shows what …Read More

Profile PhotoAlan Orr18 August, 2024

Internal Wing Chun Exposed Series Part 3 Structure of Snake and Crane in Wing Chun

Hi Members Once again, I have had many questions about structure in Wing Chun and how it relates to the snake and crane of the …Read More

Profile PhotoAlan Orr22 June, 2024

Internal Wing Chun Exposed Series Part 2

Hi Members It this video I answer a few questions that came out of our last live training session.   Enjoy!  Read More

Profile PhotoAlan Orr20 June, 2024

Internal Wing Chun Exposed! Series Part 1

Hi Members After many emails and questions about other videos concerning what is and is not Internal Wing Chun, I decided to make clear what …Read More

Profile PhotoAlan Orr9 June, 2024
Site by: SmythSys