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This course breaks down the Internal development and Training of SNT the first form in Wing Chun. As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Alan Orr teaches a clear path to development and explains all you need to know to develop your skill.
From Bio Mechanics, Muscles Dynamics, Muscles Energy, The role of Muscle Fascia, The correct understanding of Chinese Medicine in terms of Channels and Qi Development and much more.

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Course Currilcum

  • What is SNT 00:00:00
  • The difference in WC internal development to standard Qi Gong 00:00:00
  • Opening Yin and Active Yang 00:00:00
  • Micro Movement the Snake 00:00:00
  • SNT Breathing and Channels 00:00:00
  • SNT Deeper Muscle and Fascia Understanding 00:00:00
  • Opening the Forms 00:00:00
  • SNT First Section Introduction 00:00:00
  • SNT First Section Structures 00:00:00
  • SNT Internal Process 00:00:00
  • SNT Second section Breathing 00:00:00
  • SNT Second Section energy review 00:00:00
  • SNT Second Section review of Energy within each movement 00:00:00
  • Bong Sao Energy 00:00:00
  • SNT Thrid Section Energy Review 00:00:00
  • SNT Third Section Body power 00:00:00
  • SNT Third Section punching explained 00:00:00
  • SNT Form Micro Movement Development 00:00:00
  • SNT How long to practice the Form 00:00:00
  • Internal Breathing Review 00:00:00

Course Reviews


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  1. Most of the Qs I had from the snt course....

    ….were answered here. Great stuff. I’ve really enjoyed these additional courses taking us deeper into each form, and like the fact the are separate; no way folk can take on all the basic info and these more in depth or advanced explanations and demos, in one go. It’s a really mature teaching approach.

    1. Thanks James, that’s great to hear

  2. Paul Blissett4 May, 2020 at 8:53 am
    Deep levels of explanation

    Coming from a WC background of other lineages including a couple of years in the Chu Shong Tin line which is known for its internal qualities, I found this course to be very complete and in depth with full explanations of the internal aspects/breathing and Qigong elements of CSL Wing Chun form practice

  3. SNT advanced training

    Really enjoying this course today. A lot of info and fine detail so am only halfway through. Very useful to know how the TCM theory crosses over with some western understanding. Some new things to focus on whilst doing a slow form and a refresher for other areas of intention that I’d neglected. Great stuff. Big thanks Sifu ?

  4. SNT beyond comparison

    In this unique course Sifu Alan Orr explains the internal aspects of SNT in such level of depth and detail, not seen before.

  5. Deepening our SNT practice

    With these lessons Alan Orr Sifu shows us how SNT is the genuine gateway to a health promoting and combat efficient system of WCK.

    1. Thank you Mike

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